Cicero, IL


Devin Balara

Spiral Bound

5238 W. 25th Pl., Cicero, IL, 60804

An enlarged, yellow steel "drawing" of a spiral notebook which acts as a trellis for climbing vines in the host's front garden. The work will include several steel "doodles" that are magnetized so that the drawing on the notepad can be changed by viewers. Currently, broader body of work has grown out of a year of attempting to teach myself the basics of Geology. The practice has morphed into a kind of character study of the one who learns and the objects, books, and rituals needed to perform the learning. This year especially many asked for an amateur’s grasp on science. If we mark the pages of the books, label the findings, dress the part, carry the notebook, draw the diagram, where does this character end and the learning begin?