London, United Kingdom
Kelly Lloyd
Fleeting Monument for the Wall of Respect (Marcus Garvey) II
95 Haymerle Road, London, SE15, United Kingdom
Exceptional Promise will make physical Kelly Lloyd’s application for a Tier 1: Exceptional Promise visa. In March 2019, Lloyd approached Tudor about an exhibition at Dirty House to buffer her visa application. By re-performing work impressive enough to prove one’s exceptional promise in the context of an opportunity only received through friendship and shameless self-promotion, Lloyd and Tudor will explore the relationships behind the institutions behind the structures that we must depend on for support.
For Terrain Biennial 2019, Lloyd re-performed "Fleeting Monument for the Wall of Respect (Marcus Garvey)": originally created for the Museum of Vernacular Arts, exhibited outside fluc in Vienna, Austria from May to June in 2018, and featured in Lloyd's chapter of "Fleeting Monuments for the Wall of Respect", edited by Dr. Romi Crawford and published in 2019 by Green Lantern Press.